Silver SWANS

What we like about them

Silver Swans Fetcham is a ballet class for the over 50s, run by Charlotte Dyer. For those living in Fetcham, living in Ashtead or in the surrounding areas, it’s a great opportunity to take advantage of all the benefits that dance can provide a person. Charlotte’s classes are brilliant for those looking to meet others, but also for boosting self-esteem and self-confidence. They can also provide stress relief, relieve anxiety and tension as well as promote balance and improve cognitive ability and brain function.

Silver Swans, more specifically, is designed with older learners in mind. It means all of Charlotte’s classes are aimed at the needs of the over 50s so that ballet and dance is available to all, even if mobility has started to become a bit of an issue. 

Importantly, Charlotte herself is a fantastic teacher. She’s calm, approachable and welcoming to all. She trained at The Dance School of Scotland and specialised in ballet - so her teaching is based in deep knowledge - supplemented by her teaching qualifications gained at Laine Theatre Arts. She is passionate about her Silver Swans class as she knows first-hand how good dance and ballet can be for a person - of any age. Being an inclusive class means she can impart her knowledge to an often-forgotten demographic.

Ultimately, this class is a brilliant idea for anyone over 50. With so many of us struggling to be active, in a way that does not hurt our bodies, Silver Swans Fetcham goes to show that it can be done! Classes are only £8, term time only, and are run on a pay as you go basis. Charlotte does run 'pop up' events every so often too. And, not only does your body get moving in a gentle way, you’ll also meet new people who have a similar hobby to you. There’s nothing to lose!


Silver Swans Fetcham are a definite must-try for anyone over 50 living in Ashtead or the surrounding areas. 

Ballet classes in Surrey

“For those living in Fetcham, living in Ashtead or in the surrounding areas, it’s a great opportunity to take advantage of all the benefits that dance can provide a person.”

Ashtead Living Reviewer