Top 10 Ways to Be Organised

With Eloise Elford, Surrey’s Best Virtual Assistant

We recently met up with Eloise Elford of Eloise’s Virtual Assistance to talk about the best ways we can get organised, saving us time and effort. Here were her top 10 ways to stay on top of your to do list:

1. Capture It Immediately:

Don't delay jotting down important tasks or appointments; immediate action prevents them from slipping through the cracks amidst life's busyness.

2. Break Down Your To-Do List:

It can be easy to write a huge list of things that need to be done. But then it can make it hard to know where to start. Every day, take your to-do lists and mark three things that are a priority. This gives you a sense of achievement and helps you tackle the things most important to you.

3. Keep Your Workspace Tidy:

It’s been said before, but tidy space = tidy mind. If you are clear on where everything is and have an inviting workspace, you’re more likely to stay more organised and feel more motivated to do so.

4. Time Management:

Using a system like time blocking can be effective for ensuring you’ve dedicated time to everything you need. In Google Calendar, you can use the colour feature to block out times for regular activities, e.g., client work, school pick-ups, personal appointments, or regular meetings.

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5. Use a Task Management System:

Most of us have lots going on—client work, emails from schools, bills that need to be paid, and more! Using a system such as Trello or Asana can be a good place to track everything. You can set reminders and be reassured that everything you need to do has been logged. You can use different boards/projects for different things, e.g., different clients.

6. Stick to One Calendar:

This may seem obvious, but I’d highly advise choosing one place where you are going to store your info and sticking to it. Then you can be confident everything you need is in one place. For example, if you use Google Calendar, don’t start putting events in your Apple calendar!

7. Delegate:

Life is busy. As we’ve said, there are so many things to be done, constantly. When writing your to-do list, think about if you can delegate anything to anyone else. For example, can one of your friends book the restaurant for your next meet up, or could you get a dog walker a few times a week to free up some time? You may even want to consider using someone like a virtual assistant to help you get through life’s never-ending admin.

8. Review and Reflect:

Take time to review your systems and processes regularly. Look at what you are spending too much time on or what you are not spending enough time on. Set quarterly goals so you are clear on what you want to work towards.

9. Automate, Automate, Automate:

Technology is so clever these days, and there’s a lot that you can set up automatically. For example, if you have a new client, you can automate things such as sending the contract and welcome email.

10. Email Folders:

It can be easy for your email account to stay unorganised. You may lose hours searching for a certain email or document you’ve lost. Implement a system for managing client emails, messages, and requests, such as using folders or labels in your email inbox.

If you would like more tips and information on how to increase productivity, download Eloise’s free e-book - 'Unleashing Your Productivity Potential'. With three activities for you to work through so that you can:

- Identify where your time is being taken up and why.

- Get clear on the time you actually have to work with so you can create an intentional plan around it.

- Segment your tasks into priority order so you can focus your energy on getting the jobs done that will help make the most impact.

Download your copy here -


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