How to BBQ: Top Tips From Expert Butcher, Duncan Hayden-Baker

We recently met up with one of the Ashtead Living family, Duncan of Hayden and Baker, to talk about all things BBQ. 

Duncan knows everything there is about how to BBQ, thanks to be the owner of local butcher: Hayden & Baker

With the warm Summer months already upon us, many of us are choosing to cook outdoors when the weather allows. However, as idyllic as that sounds, there is an art to barbecuing, so that you don't ruin the meat that you buy. 

We asked Duncan for his top tips on how to barbecue without burning your food to a crisp - which would be a great shame when you buy the fantastic produce that Duncan's shop has to offer. We delved into the topic of achieving maximum flavour and tenderness through proper preparation techniques. Here's what we learned:

Ashtead Living: What do you think are the best cuts of meat for a BBQ, and how should they be prepared to achieve maximum flavour and tenderness?

When it comes to cooking on the BBQ, the choice of meat cuts you choose largely depends on the style of BBQ you use. If you're a fan of slow cooker BBQs like the Big Green Egg, cuts like ribs and brisket are excellent options. On the other hand, if you're aiming for a quick and easy grilling session, marinated chops and steaks are perfect choices. Ultimately, the best cuts for BBQ vary based on personal preference and the desired BBQ style.

Ashtead Living: Any specific recommendations for coal BBQs?

For those planning a coal BBQ, it's important to get the temperature right first - you don't want to be cooking on a flame. Marinated chops and steaks work well in such scenarios. However, it's crucial to keep a close eye on your BBQ when you are cooking to ensure the meat is not overcooked. Adjusting the cooking time is key to achieving tasty food - so don't be tempted to walk away and mingle with any guests.

Ashtead Living: What about gas BBQs? Any tips for cooking on those?

Similar to coal BBQs, cooking on gas BBQs requires attentive monitoring. It's essential to avoid overcooking the meat and to adjust the heat as needed. 

Ashtead Living: Do you recommend any pre-made marinades or only pre-marinated meat?

Hayden & Baker offers a wide selection of pre-marinated meats that take the hassle out of any BBQ prep. If you don't see a flavour you like, we can accommodate customer requests for specific flavours. We've also started stocking a new range of rubs that we're really excited about called Angus and Oink. They're great and can make all the difference to the flavour of your meat. 

Ashtead Living: Apart from staying put and watching the BBQ, are there any other tips you'd recommend?

To achieve the best results, it's advisable to bring the meat to room temperature before cooking, regardless of the outdoor temperature. This ensures more even cooking throughout the meat. Another important tip is to allow the cooked meat to rest before serving. This helps retain the juices and enhances tenderness. To check that your meat is cooked, you can use the palm test, but a digital thermometer always takes out any guesswork.

Hayden & Baker offer a huge range of BBQ meats that are great for hosting the perfect BBQ at your home.

Ashtead Living: Are there any side dishes or accompaniments you'd recommend for a BBQ?

While Hayden and Baker doesn't specialise in side dishes, heading down the road to William Dyer will mean you can buy freshly-made, high-quality food - minimising any prep needed so you can just relax and enjoy your BBQ. Their potato salad in particular is great and a favourite of mine. 

Ashtead Living: Any lesser-known cuts of meat that are good for a BBQ?

If you enjoy slow cooking, I'd recommend trying beef short ribs. It's a cut that is often overlooked for a BBQ but can become incredibly tender and flavourful when cooked low and slow. Another lesser-known cut worth exploring is the flat iron steak. Additionally, the Tri Tip, sourced from the rump, can be exceptional when prepared correctly. We don't stock them as standard, though, so do ask in advance if you are interested in trying them. 

Also, we're going to start stocking Wagyu beef soon, which is fantastic on the BBQ. 

Ashtead Living: How would you recommend dealing with dietary requirements? 

If you give us advance notice, we can usually accommodate any dietary requirements. We can also give you the ingredients list for all of our food, which can be really handy for those worried about marinades. 

So, now that you're armed with expert advice, go forth and enjoy your BBQ adventures this summer!


In Conversation with: Travel with Charlotte