If you or your partner are thinking about going back to work after having a baby, you might be looking for nurseries near Ashtead. One of the most popular in the area is Barnett Wood Preschool - run on the site of Barnett Wood Infant School, though run as a separate entity. In September 2023 the preschool celebrated its 30th Birthday.

We asked their manager a number of questions that prospective parents may want answered before signing their child or children up!

What is the enrolment process, and when should I apply for a spot at your preschool?

Barnett Wood Preschool accepts children from the September after a child’s 2nd birthday. Parents are encouraged to put their name on our waiting list as early as possible. To join the waiting list parents must visit our website and follow the instructions on the admissions tab. Successful families will be contacted in the autumn term before their child is due to join. At that point, we ask them to accept/decline the offer of a place. It is then that we ask for full registration details along with a registration fee/deposit.

Can you provide an overview of the daily schedule and activities that my child will participate in? 

The preschool sessions run from 8.30-12.15 and 12.15-3pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30-12.15 on a Friday. Barnett Wood Preschool provides children with a wide range of high-quality activities and experiences for children. Once all the children have arrived the children have a welcome time on the carpet. There is then some time for small group work to be done with the children’s key person before we open both rooms and outside for free-flow play. We have a snack bar where children can practise their independence skills by pouring their own drink and serving themselves fruit/vegetables. The main focus of our sessions is play, as this is how children learn best, with an array of self-chosen activities. Children who attend full days or afternoons bring their own packed lunch which is eaten in a social environment and there is plenty of time for play inside and out in the afternoons. Please see our website for an example of our activities in the gallery.

What is the pupil-to-teacher ratio in your classrooms, and how do you ensure individualised attention for each child? 

Children are grouped into Caterpillars (1st year) and Butterflies (2nd year). We take 20 caterpillars and 24 butterflies per session. Children under 3 are on a 1:4 ratio and children 3 years and over are on a 1:8 ratio. Children are allocated a key person upon starting, whose role it is to give special care and attention to the child and family.

What safety measures and protocols are in place to ensure the well-being of the children while they are at your preschool? 

We follow strict and robust policies and procedures which families are expected to agree to.

How do you handle medical emergencies or health concerns for children during their time at the preschool? 

All permanent staff are first aid trained and of course on hand to help with any accidents. We support families to manage individual health conditions. We have a great relationship with our parents and openly communicate any concerns to them as needed.

What is the curriculum or teaching approach used at your preschool, and how do you support early childhood development? 

We do not follow a particular Early Years Approach but have adapted our own curriculum to reflect the children in our care. There are countless ways we promote awe and wonder while offering various learning experiences that we wish for children to have during their time with us. For example, we have themed weeks that encompass ideas such as music around the world, life cycles, oral health, road safety, books and funky fingers.

Are there opportunities for parent involvement, such as parent-teacher conferences or volunteer opportunities? 

We have a parents' fundraising committee who plan several events for us throughout the year and raise valuable funds to enable us to keep our costs affordable for families.

Can you provide information about tuition fees, payment schedules, and any available financial assistance or scholarships? 

Currently, our fees are £8.80 per hour for non-funded hours. For those children who are claiming government funding we ask for £1.50 per session to cover our consumables cost. At the moment we are unsure what our offer will be to parents from April 2024 when the government changes the funding offer. However, our ethos is to offer high quality, affordable education for children.

How do you handle transitions, such as moving from one age group to another or preparing for school? 

The transition from Caterpillars to Butterflies is very smooth given the way that the sessions are organised. We feed into all local schools and have a good relationship with them all. We hear that our children make good progress in the reception year.

What is the communication process between teachers and parents, and how can I stay informed about my child's progress and daily activities? 

We use an online journal called Tapestry to send parents a daily diary which outlines what the children have done during the session. Parents also get sent a termly summary about how their term has been at preschool. We offer parent consultations twice a year for parents to have a discussion with their child’s key person.

In May 2023, the preschool was one of 5 settings in Surrey that received an outstanding grading from Ofsted in the summer term. This was a real achievement for us as, since the inspection framework changed in 2021, it is a hard grading to achieve.

Please see the report here

If you want more details about the school, here are the contact details:

Address: Barnett Wood Preschool, 213 Barnett Wood Preschool, Ashtead, KT21 2DF

Telephone number: 01372279584
